【国際会議等の案内】国際憲法学会第10回世界大会(2018年6月18-22日 ソウル)

国際憲法学会第10回世界大会が来年6月にソウルで開催されます。Violent Conflicts, Peace-Building and Constitutional Law” を共通テーマに多くのワークショップでの報告の機会が用意されています。各ワークショップのサイトから責任者アドレス宛に申込みして下さい。原則としてPaperの締切は来年3月です。また、本年11月までにウェブで参加登録いたしますと、お得な料金設定となっております。参加をご検討の方は、お早めにご登録ください。

 国際憲法学会第10回世界大会 201861822日 ソウル (公用語・英語/フランス語)

The Xth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL)  18 ― 22 June 2018 in Seoul, Korea.

The theme of the World Congress  Violent Conflicts, Peace-Building and Constitutional Law”

Plenary Sessions

Session One: War and Peace in Modern Constitutional Law 

Moderator : Giussepe de Vergottini

Speakers :  Tom Ginsburg (U.S.)  Dieter Grimm (Germany)  Mireille Delmas-Marty (France)  Wen-Chen Chang (Taiwan)

Session Two: Constitutional Responses to New Types of Violent Conflicts

Moderator: Cesar Landa

Speakers: Diane Desierto (U.S. and the Philippines)  Vincent Desportes (France)

Yasuo Hasebe(Japan)

Session Three: Constitutional Challenges of the Migration Processes
(Sovereignty, State Borders and Human Rights)Moderator: Cheryl Saunders

Speakers:  Marie-Benedicte Dembour (U.K.)  Walter Kalin (Switzerland)  Albert Hung-Ye CHEN (Hong Kong)

Session Four: Judges’ Panel Lech Garlicki (ECtHR, ret.)

Panelists:  Roberto Caldas (I-ACtHR, President)  Rosie Abella (Supreme Court of Canada) Nicole Beloubet (France – Conseil Constitutionnel)  Kang Ilwon (Constitutional Court of Korea)  Jacek Chlebny (Supreme Administrative Court, Poland)  Daphne Barak-Erez (Supreme Court – Israel)



WORKSHOP #1 The Debate on Establishment of the World Constitution

WORKSHOP #2 Abuse of the Constitution in Times of Emergency

WORKSHOP #3 State of Emergency

WORKSHOP #4 Parliamentary Control of Military Engagements

WORKSHOP #5 Constitutional Responses to Terrorism

WORKSHOP #6 Judicial Review during Violent Conflicts

WORKSHOP #7 Constitutional Rights Protection in times of Emergency

WORKSHOP #8 Freedom of Speech under Stress: Speech and Press Freedoms

in times of Conflict, Violence and Rising Authoritarianism
WORKSHOP #9 Financial Crisis and Constitutional Responses

WORKSHOP #10 Children in Violent Conflict Zones

WORKSHOP #11 Women and Violence in Areas and/or Times of Conflict

WORKSHOP #12 Transnational Solidarity and Justice in Times of Crisis

WORKSHOP #13 Human Dignity and the Right to Asylum from Persecution

WORKSHOP #14 Constitutional Amendments under Crisis

WORKSHOP #15 Illiberal Democracies

WORKSHOP #16 Conscientious objection, religion and the constitution

WORKSHOP #17 Economic Crisis and Migration Crisis: Challenges for the Social State

WORKSHOP #18 New Democracies and Challenges to the Judicial Branch

WORKSHOP #19 Violent Conflicts, Peacebuilding and Constitutional Law

WORKSHOP #20 ~ #25 “Open Workshops



  Until 30 Nov 2017 Until 30 Mar 2018 After 30 Mar 2018
Professional A $250 $300 $450
Accompanying person $120 $150 $190
Student $100 $120 $150

Fee includes lunch, social events(including invited dinner), certificates

All participants who want to register for the congress should use PayPal to pay the registration fee (Refunds: 50% until Mar 30, no refunds after Mar 30)





お問い合わせ,もしくはPaper提出のご相談等は、辻村miyokoty@meiji.ac.jp までお願いします。世界大会には、諸国の憲法学者500人以上の参加が見込まれますので、日本からも積極的に、多数ご参加くださることを期待しております。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。